Oedipus Complex - Meaning, History, Signs, Treatment , Examples & More

Oedipus Complex – Meaning, Signs, and Ways to Resolve

Key Takeaways Oedipus concept is the breakthrough discovery of Sigmund Freud. It refers to a state of conflict where the child desires closeness to the opposite sex parent and considers the same-sex…

Visual Stories

Things your inner child needs to hear

Things Your Inner Child Needs to Hear

Things Your Inner Child Needs to Hear

Types of Childhood Trauma

Types of Childhood Trauma

Children may go through a range of experiences that classify as psychological trauma; these might include neglect, abandonment, sexual abuse

"Your generation is full of snowflakes & only know how to whine."

Toxic Statements That Invalidate Depression

Toxic and unsupportive statements can push a person deeper into their depressive state. These are the statements that you must avoid when you are trying to help a person with depression.

Your Mental health Is More important Than Your:

Things Your Mental Health Is More Important Than

Your mental health is more important than your follower count on Instagram or the number on the scales.

Emotions and Therapies

FOMO Meaning & How To Deal With It

Are you experiencing FOMO? Here’s how you can deal with it

Major FOMO! I am sure you have heard about it somewhere… and that’s why you are here today. Well, let me first tell you: That it’s totally normal to be experiencing FOMO.…

Disorder & Phobia

Self-Improvement & Positivity